From the past to the contemporary. From transition to the eternal. Daphne Klagkou’s exhibition, “Hybrid Realities: Identity and Transition”, explores the fluidity of the interconnected dualities that shape our existence and identity, prompting reflections on the coexistence of these seemingly opposing forces. During the eternal cycle of change, nothing is static. Life becomes death, death becomes life, the past becomes the present, and everything gives way to something different. Heraclitus’ philosophy argues that nothing remains, for everything exists in inevitable transition. His idea that “you cannot cross the same stream twice” represents the reconciliation of interconnected yet contradictory notions: the stream is the same, but the waters that flow are different; the person is the same, but no longer exactly the same. While identity is recognized as something intrinsic, the ongoing process of development and passing experiences are part of, and shape, complex and multifaceted identities. Thus, each moment that slips away is as relevant as the one that remains, like threads that weave an interdependent cosmic flow. Moments of transition carry and impose constant transformations, thus creating complex realities of existence. The works presented here embody these ideas, creating a dialogue between life and death, nature and human activity, as well as identity, which are interconnected and dependent on the passage of time. In this way, the works in "Hybrid Realities: Identity and Transition" emphasize reflections on the importance of deeply interconnected transitions, as part of a larger narrative, and of a hybrid existence.

Sara Leichsenring, 2024

Hybrid Realities: Identity and Transition | Project Room ● Guest Young Artist